Baby Anniversary Celebrate History

Christmas lolita event

On Saturday the 15th of December, I attended the Baby, the Stars Shine Bright "Baby Anniversary celebrate history" event. The event was pretty similar to what I had attended before (I've written a previous blog about what happens at a brand event, so I'm not going to go into too much detail about what happened). About twelve months ago BtSSB designers came to Sendai for an anniversary event. So I got to meet the designers for the second time.


It was the usual scenario, we got to ask the designers questions, eat a nice meal consisting of Christmas themed desserts and all you can drink beverages. There was also a raffle to win brand, and a display of what new dresses and accessories that are going to be available for reservation. Then after the event at the cafe finished, we walked over to the BtSSB shop to make purchases, and use an event space at the department store that was decorated with xmas decorations to take photos. However, it was a lovely day and I enjoyed myself immensely.

If you come to Japan when there is a brand event on, I recommend that you go at least once to see and experience what it is like!! OK, that's all for now!! Until next time, stay frilly!!!!!
This is my loot that I got from the event.


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